This is where the title goes 
ugh, mom!
Friday, Mar. 07, 2014   6:30 pm

i just wrote a big long entry about how my mom annoys the living fuck out of me.

it got erased.

maybe its for the better.

im 28.

but still.

she brings me anger like no other.

no. other.

i just want to be left alone and sometimes its like pulling teeth...

or like pulling a babe from its mother.

no one in this household will have peace until i do. i dont care how that sounds. this is my life and i need her to step back...

we have an unhealthy codependency. i know it wont end until i EVER MOVE out...and i know i wont be moving out for at least a year. maybe sooner...

but a year. i love her. i do. but i cant grow this way. and she cant either.

i just want to be left alone. and moms are notorious for NOT doing that.

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