This is where the title goes 
for better or for worse
Friday, Apr. 20, 2012   3:09 pm

im not sure of this...but i am, pretty much.

everyone likes to think they are different from everyone around them. in some way, shape, form. i think the more we try to convince ourselves we arent a certain way, the more we prove we are-in time.


glen forgot weed at my house. a lot. i smoked it all without his knowledge. he wanted it back and i didnt tell him id smoked most of it. and when he called to retrieve it, i just ignored him.

that feels shady. im not shady. but, apparently i am. its the addict mentality of, "its all about me.". i think because ive watched a lot of shady people/friends work people over that its rubbed off. i dont like it and at the same time: born alone, die alone. idk.

but i feel bad. even for glen. idk. i think im a worse person than i like to think. i think we all are.

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