This is where the title goes 
aand with a strong finish
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011   12:59 am

old people call me and tell me our product didnt reduce their wrinkles..

they say "i guess i'm too old."

art. creativity. come from pain, heart, and soul.

i long to be creative (again). all my recent attempts (if they so can be called) feel juvenile and heartless. insincere. fake. primitive but not primitive enough.

i guess my pain isnt real enough. i guess im too broken to create (i doubt thats ever been the case). im not enough something. it sucks. i have to find a way to reignite. rejuvenate. lust for life. or death. just something. i just have no clue how to get on it.

maybe ill ask my mom to do something with me this weekend or next. itd be good for both of us, im sure. thanks diary. i totally wouldnt have come to that resolution all alone in my head.

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