This is where the title goes 
its the end of the world as we know it
Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2008   11:12 pm

im elated.

im outraged.

im content.

im flabbergasted.

we have a new president.

i didnt want to write an entry regarding this 2008 election. i dont know enough to articulate my feelings. my beliefs. my wants.

but, experiencing these results right now and having access to a computer right now and drinking buttloads of rum have caused me to want to record this moment. these moments.

the rum makes me take longer to record.

barack obama is this countrys new president.

im a little bit in shock. not in these results...but in the progress.

ive had boyfriends who were racist. ive met people in bars who were so anti-obama. it didnt seem like this nation was strong enough or intelligent enough to see past his light brown skin color.

i just neglected this entry for an hour and 23 minutes. im done.


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