This is where the title goes 
a kiss before dying
Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2008   6:05 pm

its been such a gray day. and its going to be a black night. its been raining since sometime late this morning and doesnt seem to want to stop.

bummer cuz theres a full moon tonight. and its johns birthday.

im writing out of a fear that i may not live to submit another entry. the roads are wet and we will most likely be drunk come time for the ride home from citizen cope. its a scary thought. no one likes to think about the inevitibility or possibility of their demise. especially to think it may happen within hours. but, i have to be able to admit that to myself at any time. i think thats a good skill to have.

so, this could be it-but no more it than any entry i write. but if i dont make it to see the sun rise in the morning...well...nothing really. i dont have any last words. any last thoughts. some regrets maybe but nothing serious or helpable. just this:



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