This is where the title goes 
I've never wanted something rational
Friday, May. 25, 2007   8:13 am

i think today is going to be a good day.

i dont kno why i think that. i just do.

its friday-thats a start. theres an ode to friday in drugzilla.

i bought me a sweet turtle bowl today. naming it turt-turt. for ang.

i have the song, head over feet, in my head.

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

its for owen. though he said his sister already dedicated it to him. in my mind, i suppose.

one week and we are moving. that excites me. and im off that weekend. more excitement.

me and john are good friends. i am very grateful lately for his companionship. its cool. its fun. its relaxed and relaxing. i just wish he werent as big a blabbermouth as me.

i still feel guilty to alex for having told him what happened. maybe i should tell her his deep, dark secrets. no, for some reason those are easier to keep.

my mom likes me today. i was heavily kvetching over the need for more shirts. just shirts. nothing to wear with my brown skirt this morning-had to put on jeans. and shes like, alright we'll have to go shopping later-you want breakfast?


i need my life to change. hopefully this move will help.

coffee and a red bull make for a speedy morning. no-doze, too, should i?

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