This is where the title goes 
camera, shamera
Thursday, Dec. 02, 2004   5:20 pm

i just spent 7 minutes reloading the add an entry page for monstrathart but it still wouldnt let me, so, ive decided to come here.

i know that info wasnt exactly vital, but im a little miffed about the "busy server" situation...

i work in admissions. and for holidays and birthdays, we send out cards to prospective students. so far there have been birthday cards and thanksgiving cards. the work-study kids are forced to be the happy models for these cards. since ive managed to escape the other 2 shoots, i had to be a part of todays festivities.

i dont think im ugly. and, at times, i can be pretty darn photogenic. but i do not like taking pictures. i dont like people looking at me and judging whether i look good or bad. and, in groups, i tend to stand on the outskirts. im just not good with pictures.

today was no exception. we had to throw snow and look happy. i only have one friggin glove! and its cotton or something (it absorbs all moisture and makes my hand cold). i had 3 more gloves, but reid lost a pair and i lost the other.

i dont know where exactly i am going with this, but it was just a miserable experience. im not really friends with the other work-studies, so to look like im having the time of my life with them in some winter wonderland was quite a stretch.

im just glad its over. until valentines day or something...

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