This is where the title goes 
im a good person
Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004   9:53 am

i've been thinking lately about what kind of person i am. am i a good person or am i a bad person? i think im good.

deep down inside of me, i only want whats best for people. whenever i see ambulances and fire trucks, the very first thought in my mind is: i hope whoever it is is okay. and i worry a little bit for whoever is in danger.

when i used to do my camps, everything inside me wanted to help those kids. i wanted to open their eyes to the hatred in the world and help them fix it. if i felt i facilitated an activity poorly, id wrack my brain trying to decide how i could make it better-how i could help them more.

my family. i would do anything for them. i would even leave school if my mom really asked me to. they have been a constant source of my stress and my tears for the last 10 months...because i really do love them so much.

i just started a recycle bag in my room. ive told all my friends to drop their bottles and cans there and ill take it over to the recycling area on campus. i feel so bad not recycling. and those 6-pack holders, i always always make sure to cut them up so no little turtles, fish, or birds have to die in them.

i believe in santa claus, elijah, and the tooth fairy. i dont believe in the death penalty. i believe in our soldiers, not the stupid war. i know that violence is never the answer and i wish everyone else could see it that way.

i only want the best for everyone in my life. the friends i make become almost my family and i want them to be happy and successful in all they do.

i devote hours of my time every week to registering 18-24 year olds to vote in this year's election. i dont even care who they vote for, as long as they vote. and so far ive registered 10 in that age group and 4 or 5 others. and no, im not getting class credit or volunteer hours for it. i just want to.

i donate my money whenever i can. i keep in touch to those i promise to keep in touch with. and if i am angry at someone, i dont start any confrontation...i walk away (im talking about my roommate here). make love not war.

i think, overall i am a pretty good person.

or am i?

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