This is where the title goes 
18 and invincible
Sunday, Jul. 04, 2004   10:31 am

i told dustin about my plans for this evening with melissa. then he gets on my ass about me not caring about my future and how i need to stop living in today and start thinking about tomorrow. something like that. and i told him as nicely as possible that im not incredibly worried about my future. i told him that at least it was a step up from my days of flat out wanting to die. and he then called me a coward-he called that a cop out. what does this kid know?! he lives in miramar with 2 loving parents, a sister, and a dog. hes onto his second car and has never had a job. which is why i dont take anything he has to say to me too seriously. i know he cares about me and wants me to do well, but he shouldnt talk about what he doesnt know. im going to do what i want, when i want. i have learned-the hard way-that tomorrow doesnt always come. if something is meant to happen then itll happen to me regardless. i dont have time to worry about every little step i take. you know?

part of me feels like im invincible.

the other part doesnt care that im not.

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