This is where the title goes 
last camp
Saturday, Jul. 03, 2004   9:09 am

i just went to my last camp. i wanted to cry so much, but no one else seemed to understand the significance of these camps for me, so i held Them back.

nccj has helped me so much in the past 2 years. ive become a new person since i started working the camps. i am such a better person for it. i dont know. camp makes me feel good. i am more outgoing there and its so easy for me to become the center of attention-i love it. but yeah..thats over. i am going to contact the nccj in arizona asap though. i would love to do camps forever.

ugh!! i really am sad! every couple of months i get to escape my stupid life and go up to palm beach for a weekend and just help people. i get to be around positive, good-hearted people for a change. people who dont do drugs. not that drugs are a bad thing-im hoping to try yayo tomorrow-but its nice for a change i guess. ive done 10 camps and its just so scary to think i will never be a part of something that great again.

whatever. done.

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