This is where the title goes 
death to the toilet seat covers...
Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004   9:36 am

oh my god!!! never again. never again will i think about or attempt to use toilet seat covers.

we just got them put into every stall in the bathroom (well, duh-not in the kitchen). i decided, you know, itd be nice to sit down on the toilet for once instead of hovering over it, you know. why not? it was quite the struggle to pull the darn thing ( im not cursing anymore ) out of the stupid dispenser, but then placing it on the seat was a whole 'nother story. one didnt completely cover the whole seat and i didnt trust its thin-ness, so i decided to lay down another. as soon as i turned my back on #1, it started to fall into the toilet. then when i put on #2, it wasnt directly over #1 and when i tried to fix it #2 started to fall in. so i had to whip out #3. i think i touched that gosh-darned toilet seat more than ive touched myself (in my whole life!) finally when i peed, all i heard was my pee hitting paper-#1 and #2 werent completely submerged. i dont know, ill prolly end up deleting this entry, but i had to release my frustrations...

i think i will be writing a whole bunch of pointless stuff today. it seems like its gonna be slow in the store and with this doubleshot in me, i have all this energy and nothing to do. oh, should i get a gold membership? i think i am gonna, but does it count for both my diaries or just one? i really wanna. especially for when i go out to done...

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