This is where the title goes 
Tuesday, Apr. 27, 2004   10:49 am

so, the barback, brent, whispered something to me last night as i was closing. i couldnt hear him, so i had him repeat it about 4 times.

finally, i deciphered his hushed words,

"will you have sex with me?"

not really in shock and almost as a reflex, i said, "sure, why not?", and that was the last i saw of him for the night. but we are both working tonight. i think this weekend is his last weekend-hes quitting. hes not really that cute up close, but from far away hes all right.

its been a long time since ive had sex with someone i worked with-about a year now since tito (i found his nametag in my purse yesterday and couldnt help but smile). so, i figure, ive been here for about two months, there are guys all over the place, its time to get on the ball. so, we'll see.

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