This is where the title goes 
funeral book
Sunday, Apr. 11, 2004   1:03 pm

i know i just wrote but theres more.

we talked last night, mike and i. had i been sober i might remember some of the things that were said, but i wasnt. he told me he liked me and it wasnt just a spur of the moment type thing. he said hes liked me for a little while. i let him read this letter i wrote to him that i wasnt going to give him, but i was wasted so yeah.

im a little more at ease. he doesnt want a relationship but i am not sure if he wants things to just be mike and jordan again. he asked if i told shannon and i told him of course, and i think i recall him telling me he cried-but that could be completely fabricated. i dont remember anything else that was said, either last night or just now in his car. but its okay. i think i just want to sleep now.


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