This is where the title goes 
ignorance is bliss
Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004   2:11 pm

oy... i tried to be computer savvy and put on a site counter, and the last entry is the result of that. but i think i have it down now.

my life is not happy, and just when i thought that it was going to get better it went off and...didn't. turns out glen cheated on me...big time, with marissa and tina....i fucked him condom-less. only person ever, because he hates them. i feel dirty and disgusting and turned off to guys and love forever. a few months ago he said to me things that i didn't think anyone would ever want to say to me. now, he says he was on "XTC" and that hes with Tina, his love angel.

people make me sick.

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