This is where the title goes 
My boyfriend
Friday, May. 03, 2002   8:49 am

I am the happiest person I know right now! Last night Hector finally asked me out! I'm his girlfriend. I feel so happy. Unfortunately, I had to work some magic to do it. I told Shan to call him (he met her when I 3-way'd the other nite) and tell him to call me. I also told her to tell him not to tell me that she called him. Thats not confusing at all. Well, one of my goofy plans actually worked. He called and asked me out, and didn't tell me Shan called him. When Shan talked to him, he said he wanted to go out with me, but he really didn't want to have to break up with me in June. I don't either, but I really want this kid. Hopefully it will be worth it. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Thats what they say. They? I am gonna try to start acting normal around him. No more evil sarcasm, no more butterflies, no more being really nervous with him. I wanna kiss him tonight. Wish me luck.

Also wish me luck on not seeing Greg any time soon. I really need it. But if I were to see him, I can always say that I have a boyfriend. Hehe. Bye

I wanna go to the air & sea show!!!!!!!

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